Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 14!

Today was super busy! First, we went to church, then out to lunch.

Here's Sadie owning her stripe/floral combo for church this morning. And, you can't see it, but she's wearing a spring chick clip in her hair!
Dress, Healthtex, Walmart, ~$6

Then, I hit the gym, the grocery store, and in for a quick peek at Goodwill.

This is my view leaving the gym :) S-P-R-I-N-G!

Not much luck at GW, other than a pair of Gap khaki shorts for Sadie. I know better than to go on a Sunday. It's completely picked over!

Anyway, it was 3:30 before I hopped into the shower for the second time and dressed in the challenge outfit.

Today's Equation:

White Denim + Button Down + Metallic Sandals

My Pick:

Floral button down, a.n.a, JCP, purchased last year
White ankle skinny jeans, JCP, $20 (on sale)
Necklace, F21, $5.80
Sandals, Mossimo, $19.99

I'm off to do a load of whites! The white denim is in tomorrow's equation, too!

1 comment:

  1. Lovey our blog Sarah so glad I found it! I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! Go check it out:
